Handcrafted Polish Boxes
Handcrafted Polish Boxes
In today's world of mass production, exquisitely hand-crafted boxes bring, along with their grace, the charm and passion of the human imagination. Prime lacquer finished exterior & interior compartments assure the proper aura for memorabilia, treasures, and jewelry. Using traditional hammered-in brass-work and other specialized techniques and considerations such as feather joint construction for durability, a raised lower edge construction that mates with the upper lid to create an air-tight seal, transparent stains and colors that retain the original wood-grain, opaque acrylic paint accents that create an illusion of dimensionality , a diverse assortment pyrography tools, stamps and wood-burning techniques, Polish boxes don't simply appear beautiful & charming; Our Polish wooden boxes are the end product of an unrivaled woodcraft mastery that has been developed through countless generations of Polish woodworkers.